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Color Grading

Color Model vs Color Space: A Beginner’s Guide [1/2]

Understanding the difference between color models and color spaces can be confusing. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explain the essential concepts of color models and color spaces, and explore how they relate to one another.

Color Grading

Noise Reduction in DaVinci Resolve: All You Need to Know

Uncover the essentials of noise reduction in DaVinci Resolve! Enhance your color grading skills, reduce noise, preserve details and elevate the visual quality of your videos. Dive into temporal and spatial noise reduction techniques, strike the perfect balance and maximize the potential of DaVinci Resolve.

Color Grading

The Psychological Effects of Color in Films and TV

Discover the power of color in storytelling! Explore the psychological effects of color in film and TV and learn how colorists use specific palettes to evoke emotions and convey messages. From the green tint in ‘The Matrix’ to the pink hues of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel,’ dive into famous examples and understand the impact of color on mood and tone.

Color Grading

Color Luminance in Visual Storytelling

Color Luminance is an important aspect of color theory and, when mastered, can be used to create visual interest and color contrast.

Color Grading

The Fascinating Science of Color Perception

Let’s explore the science behind color perception, how our brains shape the colors we experience and the impact of color on our daily lives.

Color Grading

Additive vs Subtractive Color: A Beginner’s Guide [2/2]

This article explores the two primary color systems – additive and subtractive – that provide the foundation for modern color theory. Discover how these systems work, their strengths and limitations, and how mastering these concepts can help you deliver striking and consistent visuals.